Business Insurance

We help businesses of all sizes protect their assets, employees, and operations. Our range of business insurance products is designed to address your unique risks and challenges, ensuring your business thrives with confidence.

Tailored Business Solutions

We offer customized insurance plans that align with your business objectives and risk management strategies. Our team works closely with you to design coverage that protects your business effectively.

Accident and Health
Property and Motor Vehicle
Corporate Liability
Operational and Risk
Suretyship and Bonds

Seamless Insurance Experience

Get a quote quickly and easily. Our expert team helps you navigate the complexities of business insurance, ensuring a seamless and efficient process.

Accident and Health

Ensure your employees are covered in case of medical emergencies and accidents. These plans provide comprehensive protection for their health and financial stability, ensuring they can focus on their work with peace of mind.

Group Accident Insurance

Offers coverage for unexpected accidents resulting in injuries, disability, or death. It ensures financial protection for both employees and the business, applicable at work or during business operations.

  • Coverage for accidental Injuries
  • Disability Benefits
  • Accidental Death Benefits
  • Medical Reimbursement

Travel Insurance

Provides protection and assistance for business travelers against a wide array of financial losses and various travel-related risks and emergencies, ensuring safety and support during business trips.

  • Medical & Emergency Expenses Coverage
  • Personal Accident Coverage
  • Personal Liability
  • Trip/Flight Delay, Cancellation, or Misconnection
  • Aircraft Skyjacking
  • Loss of Personal Money and/or Travel Documents
  • Delay or Loss of Baggage
  • Automatic Extension

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

Offers extensive medical and health coverage, ensuring access to a wide range of healthcare services, and promoting overall health and well-being.

  • Comprehensive medical care coverage, including doctor visits and hospital stays
  • Coverage for prescription drugs
  • Reduced out-of-pocket costs, facilitating easier access to healthcare
  • Preventative and emergency health services

Property and Motor Vehicle

Minimize operational disruptions and manage risks effectively with our specialized insurance products. These plans provide comprehensive coverage to ensure your business continuity.

Commercial All-Risk (CAR)

Provides comprehensive protection against a wide range of commercial risks, offering security for physical assets and operations, safeguarding your investments and continuity.

  • Comprehensive risk coverage for commercial operations
  • Protection against sudden and accidental physical loss, destruction, or damage
  • Covers a wide spectrum of risks, including fire, earthquake, typhoons, lightning, flood, smoke, explosion, impact, riot, strike, and malicious damage, offering peace of mind for business continuity

Industrial All-Risk (IAR)

Provides comprehensive protection against a wide range of industrial risks, offering security for physical assets and operations, safeguarding your investments and continuity.

  • Comprehensive risk coverage for industrial operations
  • Protection against sudden and accidental physical loss, destruction, or damage
  • Covers a wide spectrum of risks, including fire, earthquake, typhoons, lightning, flood, smoke, explosion, impact, riot, strike, and malicious damage, offering peace of mind for business continuity

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Provides coverage for company-owned vehicles against accidents, theft, and damage. Includes third-party liability and personal accident protection for drivers and passengers, ensuring minimal operational disruptions.

  • Compulsory Third-Party Liability (CTPL)
  • Own Damage/Theft/Acts of Nature (AON)
  • Voluntary Third-Party Liability
  • Unnamed Passenger Personal Accident
  • Roadside Assistance
  • Fleet Management Services

Corporate Liability

Protect your business from legal and financial liabilities. Our corporate liability insurance plans cover a range of risks to ensure your business operates smoothly and securely.

General Liability

Protects businesses against various liabilities in operations, covering legal, financial responsibilities for bodily injury, property damage, and third-party claims.

  • Protection against lawsuits
  • Coverage for Bodily Injury
  • Protection for Property Damage
  • Personal Injury Coverage
  • Product Liability Coverage
  • Contractual Liability Coverage

Directors & Officers Liability

Protects company leaders from personal financial losses and legal liabilities arising from managerial decisions and actions, including legal defense costs and financial settlements.

  • Personal Assets Protection
  • Recruitment and Retention
  • Legal Defense Costs
  • Financial Stability

Professional Liability

Shields professionals and businesses from financial losses due to negligence, errors, omissions, or inadequate performance in their services, essential for various industries.

  • Legal Protection
  • Financial Security
  • Reputation Management

Cyber Liability

Safeguards businesses and individuals from the financial and legal impacts of cyberattacks, data breaches, and cyber incidents, covering risks to digital assets and sensitive information.

  • Financial Protection
  • Data Breach Coverage
  • Legal Defense
  • Business Interruption Cover
  • Reputation Management
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Cyber Extortion Coverage
  • TPL Cyber Liability

Operational and Risk Management

Minimize operational disruptions and manage risks effectively with our specialized insurance products. These plans provide comprehensive coverage to ensure your business continuity.

Workers’ Compensation

Provides financial protection for both employees and employers against work-related injuries, and illnesses, covering medical expenses, rehab, lost wages, and streamlining claims.

  • Financial Protection for Injured Workers
  • Income Replacement
  • Rehabilitation Support
  • Legal Protection for Employers and Employees

Engineering Insurance

Protects individuals, businesses, and contractors in engineering, construction, and infrastructure projects from diverse risks during the planning, construction, and maintenance phases.

  • Comprehensive Coverage
  • Property Damage Protection
  • Third-Party Liability Coverage
  • Contractor’s All Risks (CAR)
  • Erection All Risks (EAR)

Marine Insurance

Protects financial interests in goods transportation via water and land, covering a range of risks and losses during shipping, safeguarding against accidents, damage, and theft.

  • Comprehensive Coverage for Transportation Risks
  • Safeguards Investments
  • Ensures Compliance

Suretyship and Bonds

Safeguard your financial interests and ensure legal compliance with our specialized insurance plans. These products offer protection against various financial and legal risks.


Offers risk mitigation and contract fulfillment assurance in various sectors. Bonds ensure that contractual and financial obligations are met, enhancing creditworthiness and legal compliance.

  • Risk Mitigation
  • Contract Fulfillment Assurance
  • Payment Protection
  • Legal Compliance
  • Enhanced Creditworthiness